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Section Announcements



October 31st at 12PM
In-Person Student Event!
Overview of North Carolina's Division of Air Quality: Come Work With Us!
North Carolina State University

November 14th at 12PM
Virtual Event
Environmental Justice Case Study: Cheverly, MD

Visit the Events page for more information

A&WMA Announcements

(Click the links below for more information)

November 19th - 20th
Waste Information Exchange

December 4
th - 5th
Environmental Justice Conference

December 10
th - 11th
Air Information Exchange
Reduced Rate for Student Members!

June 9th - 12th
2025 Annual Conference and Exhibition
SASS Scholarships Available!
Raleigh, NC

What is A&WMA?



The Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional organization that provides training, information, and networking opportunities to 8,000 environmental professionals in 65 countries. The Association's goals are to strengthen the environmental profession, expand scientific and technological responses to environmental concerns, and assist professionals in critical environmental decision making to benefit society.



What is the South Atlantic States Section?



The South Atlantic States Section (SASS) is comprised of A&WMA members that reside in Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina and the District of Columbia. Within SASS there are two local chapters: the Baltimore/Washington Chapter and the Research Triangle Park (Raleigh/Durham) Chapter. Additionally, there are student chapters at North Carolina State University, Duke University, North Carolina A&T University, and James Madison University.


The SASS hosts Specialty Conferences and Workshops for international membership in addition to its own conferences, meetings, and workshops. The Chapters provide more frequent meetings for local members.



Where does one find additional information on the Association?



For more information about the Air and Waste Management Association, go to:


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